EU Funding

European calls for projects

On this page, we provide information on European calls for projects relating to the European funding programs monitored by the Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy as a member of the program committee.

The Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy (SMC) plays this role in two European programs: (1) the Connecting Europe Facility, "Digital" section, and (2) the Digital Europe Programme.

Connecting Europe Facility - Digital

The European Union's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) co-financing program supports the deployment of high-quality, sustainable infrastructure in the transport, energy and digital sectors, and aims to stimulate public and private investment.

The Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy monitors the "Digital" component of the Connecting Europe Facility at European level, and also acts as the national contact point for this component.

The Connecting Europe Facility - Digital programme is implemented through multi-annual work programmes. The work programs can be accessed on the European Commission website. The first work programme for the period 2021 - 2023 consists of three calls for projects.

1) The first call for projects was open from January 12, 2022 to April 20, 2022.

2) The second call for projects was open from October 12, 2022 to March 21, 2023.

3) The third call for projects was open from October 17, 2023 to February 20, 2024.


General information on the third call for projects

Under this third call for projects, three main areas are covered:

For more information on the various open calls for projects and how to apply, visit the European Commission's Funding & Tenders online portal. All funding applications must be submitted via this portal to the European Commission's Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA).

Digital Europe Programme

The Digital Europe Porgramme 2021-2027 is a co-financing programme of the European Union focused on bringing digital technologies to businesses, citizens and public administrations.

The program provides strategic funding for digital technologies and infrastructure in five key areas: (1) supercomputing, (2) artificial intelligence, data and cloud, (3) cybersecurity, (4) advanced digital skills and (5) the widespread use of digital technologies across the economy and society, including through Digital Innovation Hubs.

The Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy monitors the Digital Europe Programme at European level as a member of the programme committeeLuxinnovation acts as the national contact point for this programme.

The Digital Europe Programme is implemented through multi-annual work programmes. The work programmes can be consulted on the European Commission website.

Open calls for projects can be consulted on the European Commission's Funding & Tenders online portal. You can also submit your application via this portal.

Important information about national procedures

The application procedure may vary slightly depending on the subject. Detailed information on the procedure to be followed and the mandatory documents and/or annexes to be attached to the application can be found on the Funding & Tenders online portal in the respective "Call Documents".

For the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the deadline for submitting documents to the SMC is at least one month before the closing date of the European call for projects.


- For the letter of support (MS agreement):

In addition to the completed template for the letter of support, which can be found in the submission system, please provide us with the following information:

  • Name of the programme,
  • Name of the call,
  • Project name,
  • Brief summary of the project (including an explanation of whether the project will be implemented on Luxembourg territory or whether there is a link with Luxembourg),
  • Name(s) and company number(s) (RCS) of all Luxembourg entities involved in the project,
  • Name of the project coordinator/applicant,
  • An indication of the amount of funding requested per Luxembourg entity and in total for the entire project.


- For the letter of approval by the member state ("MS approval") of the security guarantee ("ownership control declaration"):

Please send us the duly completed "ownership control declaration", together with all the supporting documents needed to prove its accuracy. An extract from the Luxembourg Business Registers of the Beneficial Owners of your organisation is mandatory !


Please also provide us with the following information:

  • Name of the programme,
  • Name of the call,
  • Project name,
  • Brief summary of the project (including an explanation of whether the project will be implemented on Luxembourg territory or whether there is a link with Luxembourg),
  • Name(s) and company number(s) (RCS) of all Luxembourg entities involved in the project,
  • Name of the project coordinator/applicant,
  • An indication of the amount of funding requested per Luxembourg entity and in total for the entire project.


If the application and accompanying documents are sent after this national deadline, the submission of "MS agreement" or "MS approval" cannot be guaranteed.


If you have any further questions regarding your participation, please contact


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